What happens when you take Flash, merge it with a hot woman who has something to say about everything, and introduce search results powered by Microsoft Live Search? You get a slick search portal that kicks out results in a fun way: Ms. Dewey.

According to Wikipedia:

Developed by MRM and EVB, Ms. Dewey is a fully animated search assistant who audibly comments on searched keywords in her own style and makes random actions when idle, including taking props from behind her desk.

Technorati returns some interesting results other bloggers are writing about. From 24th Floor:

Ms Dewey’s real name is Janina Gavankar. It just came to my attention that Ms Dewey also played in a movie call Cup of My Blood.

And my personal favorite from WebProBLOG:

Before becoming the most attractive thing about MSN Search, Gavankar was pleasing crowds using another method – soft-core movies… you know, the ones you find on Cinemax during their late-night viewing schedule. According to Cutts’ post, Ms. Dewey appeared in a movie called Cup Of My Blood, and judging by the screencaps (NSFW) Gavankar is not a believer in the “no nudity” clause so many actresses include in their contracts nowadays.

So, happy searching. Just as a fun little bonus, type in Porsche 911 C4 – at 8:36am I was listed as result #3.