With a week to go (technically Wednesday is the official LAST day of the competition) I’ve successfully dropped from 228.6 to 202.4 – a total of 26.2 pounds off. Taking into account I’ve stopped smoking, stopped drinking (last 2 weeks), stopped being able to run (pulled my hamstring), and have continued to not eat ANY fast food or Cool-Ranch Doritos. I’m down 4.4 lbs from last Fridays weigh-in. This last week will be rather strict after the weekend. I’ve been doing a lot of stretching and core workouts every night for the past week and it seems to be helping the inability to run. My goal has always been to be down 30 lbs by the last day (eventhough I assumed I would have hit the 190 lbs mark already and plataued till the end; I must be getting older). 198.6 is the goal for next Friday. That’s 3.8 lbs down in a week… shouldn’t be a problem. I never did take a before picture, but I bet i could find a real flattering one and pose it against the 30 lbs lighter me. We’ll see.