If you’ve been following me on Twitter (I love when I go dark for months at a time here, jump back in and write as if I have a readership) I’m sure you’ve seen some odd “food” related posts. How I’ve been feeling gross, go team, etc. I’ve been recruited to join a team of WeightHaters at my company. What is a WeightHater… we’re doing a Biggest Looser style weight loss program at work. Weigh-in was today at 9:30am. For the past week my team and myself have been “eating more them usual” to tip-the-scales for the weigh-in. I’ve been making a pig of myself hoping to hit the 230lbs mark. I haven’t been 230 since I was a fat bastard my senior year of college.

Weigh-In Weight

So, I didn’t hit my mark, but I did make a gross blob of myself and am ready to take it way down. How do I plan on doing this? Good question:

Things No Longer Doing
No Soda
No Fast-Food (i.e. if I have to eat out, it’ll be appropriate, not a burger and fries)
No Booze
No Eating After 8pm
No Smoking (already not doing that)
No Junk Food (without extra effort to burn off calories)

Things Doing
Actually Striving for 5 a Day
Water 90% of The Time
Eating Breakfast
Running 10 miles a week

So there we go. I’m adjusting diet, stopping bad habits, and trying to keep myself to a cardio specific routine. My metabolism will kick back in (and up), I’ll feel better, and I’ll make my teammates sick at the speed at which I can drop pounds.