
Ramblings that are not affiliated or associated with any religion, cult, or missionary to speak of.

Category: Uncategorized (page 1 of 11)

Its not a resolution; it was being sick

Smoking… been doing it on and off since I was 15 years old. As of late the taste and smell have begun to fade. I’m smoking for the sake of smoking.

I got sick, the desire to do anything faded, quitting now seems like a good idea. Anyway, I’m stopping for the time being. No gum, no patches, just not doing it. Sorry for the mood swings to come.

Colbert OP-ED Takeover | NYTimes

I laughed so hard people here at work were staring at me; uncomfortably. NYTimes article (you will have to login to see it; it’s free – and worth the read).

I’ve always had an appreciation for Colbert, but given the choice have gravitated towards Stewart. Two different men, backing time slots. Hearing Colbert on NPR recently has given me a new appreciation for his humor, political attacks, and frankly his personal beliefs.

Again, freaking hysterical OP-ED column.

White Stripes Holga – Got Mine

Well, after reading this article I had to grab one – that’s right gang, I just purchased one of 3000 “Jack” inspired Holga’s. I didn’t opt for both Jack and Meg because, well, they are a bit pricey. The site was down all afternoon, so I was freaking pleased that I could finally get though. Now, lets hope they don’t accept all orders then notify users that “sorry, we be all out…suka…” because that would piss me off more then them telling me from the get-go. I have a confirmation number, so I’ll wait and see.

From the website/article:

‘Jack’ Holga Flash Camera Starter Kit:
Created in the 1980s the Holga is an all-plastic icon of camera design. It produces totally unique images, dripping with color and contrast. This limited edition Holga color flash camera has been renamed ‘JACK’ and features customized packaging and printed camera logos and comes with three lens filters: red, clear and peppermint. Package includes: Holga Color Flash Camera with red and clear color flash gels, a set of three custom filters, fisheye lens, The World through a Plastic Lens photo book, one 120 film roll, two “AA” batteries, editorial poster, and multilingual instruction manual. The camera uses all varieties of medium format 120 film.

Should be here in a couple weeks. Will I be taking it out of the box? Doubtful. I’ve got well over 40 different cameras that I’d rather get a Hulga and shoot that then open this slice of “pop” art.

Dick Move .:or:. How Old Are You?

I’m a bit of a dick – and the people who read this will agree with me. Especially since most of my readers are my family (hi mom). Now, for this particular dick example I will ask you to look to the right side of my blog… scroll down a little… ok, see it now? That’s correct – I am actually displaying my Amazon Wish List as a feed on my blog. Pathetic, I know. But I have a whole slew of reasons this isn’t that bad of an idea:

  • Holidays are coming up
  • I like stuff
  • Sometimes you get me stuff
  • I’ve been telling people of late when they ask “what do you want?” that “nothing…” is fine to be polite and they actually get me nothing… now they don’t have to ask, they can just check out the feed
  • This is the stuff I really want, not that crap you normally get me
  • You don’t have to leave your house (prison cell – hi mom)
  • And on, and on, and on…

So, where does the dick part fit in? Well, as most of you know, when I want something I just go and buy it, which leaves little for anyone who cares (very few, trust me – who care; and stuff I guess). How old am I you ask, that I have a running tally of crap I want other people to buy me? How egocentric am I to think people even care about junk I want from Amazon? Only jackasses keep a running online tally of what they’ve spent on their ridiculous Porsche (I didn’t mean it baby, I’m just trying to make a point)? That’s right people – here the F I am.

Oh, and UTZ are always loved and shared.

in rainbows | Just Downloaded

Took all of 10 seconds to download the zip. My co-workers are already listening to it. I’ve heard comments “it’s not bad” and “it kind of sounds like OK Computer…” I am going to listen to it in it’s entirety on my way to a client visit (good hour each way). I might listen both there and back? Not sure. Will post my thought when I’ve had a chance to check it out.

As an FYI, I was disappointed with Year Zero which I am chalking up to me not listening to it enough, so I am hoping for a better initial experience.

Where the Dart may fall

We like games. Games like Scrabble, Checkers, Chess, Fooseball, and especially Darts. We try and play at least once a week while in the basement. During a session recently the wife was getting a bit erratic with the throwing. She hit the wall, the actual wooden box the dart board lives in, and she hit the dry-erase pen. The PEN people! She used such pinpoint accuracy that she actually penetrated it sturdy plastic outer coating. It was awesome. I still beat her.

Checkers | It aint no pool or fightin

I used to play a lot of Chess when I was a kid. Actually, I used to play a lot of games (no shit, get to the point, you were a kid). In my adulthood I have lost the strategical attack of the game and have since stopped playing with any frequency to mention (save for the massive losses via my Mac). I’m aware of the problem, and seeking professional advice for the condition.

This past weekend the wife and I had the rare opportunity to head out for a good amount of time. I woke up with the wrath of all that is evil for some reason, so I needed to hit something; badly. We opted for the pool hall with good food. Someone RENTED the damn ROOM on a Saturday night, so I was left with 3 options: hit my wife and go to jail, hit a stranger and play the odds on going to jail, or drink and play checkers. So, as stated prior, I’m no Chess player anymore, but checkers to me is slightly more complicated then tick tack toe (that’s going to piss her off). So my wife and I start to play a friendly game of checkers at the bar while we wait for 30 minutes to be served cold appetizers. I beat her in the first game. Apparently when I attempted to spew tactical advice I was “being condescending…” so I stopped and set the game anew. I beat her again, but this time she wouldn’t let me beat her, so instead she jumbled the board and said “you won…”

It’s occurred to me that my limited brain cells can grasp moves faster then that of Chess, while my wife was irritated at the simplicity of the game. The more I drank, the clearer the board became… unlike my wife, who became more incensed the more she drank. She became so unruly that we were asked to leave, and subsequently spat of the waitress who was held hostage by the kitchen staff.

Next time we’re playing Scrabble so she can beat me and all with be right in the world.

(Only part of this story is actually true – I did beat her twice)

Ferrari In the Morning… Ferrari in the Evening…

While I was in NY my meetings were always in midtown. I’ve been staying close enough to walk the past few trips and have successfully summoned the east coast “get the f*ck out of my way, I’m walking here…” stare and walking pattern. Never was I unfocused, never was I ever backing down to the suited masses during morning rush, never did I hear from my cousin who lives there (not even a freaking phone call, after I emailed AND left voice messages 2-3 times…), never did I miss a beat… till I walked by true lust herself. In red blazing sexual glory, my gaze never wanting to stare… as I walked by the Ferrari dealership at 54th and Park… Talk about a great way to start and end a work day.

KipPlay | Macgyver of our time… or just a really good engineer

I am officially a KipPlay fan. His video production is top notch, his voice over is fantastic, his videos are short and very well thought out, and not only are they useful but sometimes damn funny. His main website is, eh, created by an electrical engineer, but his submitted video over at MetaCafe are organized in a cleaner format.

The latest video I’ve felt compelled to share with others (I know, you’re not the only one I share things with) is his Traffic Light hack. It’s awesome. The guys here are going to test it out over lunch to see if it works. After watching there was a poster who mentioned he did a parody of the original – very funny as well.

KipPlay, you have made a new fan. Looking forward to watching all your other videos and new ones to come…

Radar Gun | Engineers are cool as hell

I try and take a brief moment out of my day to check in on the aggregate sites for useless information… I get my regular news via NPR on my hour drive into work, so all the other crap users have found serves a purpose (somehow; I don’t know, it can sometimes). So what I found today is one of the coolest things I’ve seen as of late – forget all the iPhone hacks, this hack is AWESOME!

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